Malaysian FM Calls on Muslim Countries to Address ISIL Problem

9:19 - June 22, 2015
News ID: 3317072
TEHRAN (IQNA) - Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said that he believes ISIL's behavior contradicts Islamic principles, and that the group is tarnishing Islam’s image globally.

Speaking at the UN headquarters following his participation in the UN Security Council meeting, Aman called on Muslim countries “to come together and find a way to solve this problem” of eliminating ISIL.

“We have to correct not even this perception but we have to correct the image that has been portrayed by ISIL,” he said, condemning the murder and brutal acts of the radical group.


ISIL is a terrorist group that made swift advances in much of northern and western Iraq last summer, after capturing large swaths of northern Syria.

They have been committing heinous crimes in the areas they have taken, including the mass execution of civilians.

Source: IINA

Tags: Malaysian ، FM ، isis